1. Thank You to Our Partners
  2. Snapshots of Life in PNG
  3. Scripture Review Board
  4. Counting Our Blessings

“There is nothing about foreign geography that makes missionaries super-sanctified or sin-proof. We’re tempted to deny like Peter, pout like Elijah, get cynical like Jonah, and turn back like John Mark. We deal with discouragement and loneliness and pain and fears and danger and frustration.” David Hosaflook, Gospel Meditations for Missions

We can do without a lot of things, but we can't do without prayer. Pray for wisdom. There’s conflicts on the outside and fears within. (2 Cor. 7:5) Pray for patience and endurance. There's a spiritual war. (Eph. 6:12) Pray for protection. We'd like to avoid pain yet not at the expense of boldness—Christ must be honored, no matter the cost (Phil. 1:20-21). There’s a great need for God’s Word to change lives. Pray Paul’s prayer with us “that the word of the Lord will spread quickly and be glorified.” (2 Thess. 3:1)

Bradley family hike

Thank You to Our Partners

We could not be here in Papua New Guinea without you. Whether you support us through prayer, words of encouragement, financial giving, hosting us in your home, or connecting with us in other ways across the miles, you are participating in the work of Bible translation. Thank you.

Though our journey has been (and continues to be) marked by challenges, your perseverance helps spur us on. Thoughtful texts and emails and the scriptures you share and pray over us are timely reminders that we are not alone. They are often just what we need to hear and when we need to hear it.

Small thumbnail picture of Stephen Ttopoqogo Stephen Ttopoqogo, PNG Translation Consultant: I want to say thank you to you and your people who stand behind you to see you coming here. It's a huge blessing and opportunity for the church to take ownership of Bible translation.

For the past three years, we have never had a month where we received less than what we needed. Regular giving has sometimes dipped below our budget, yet one time gifts covered the gap. We thank God for supplying all of our needs and for using so many of you to do it.

“For everything comes from Him and exists by His power and is intended for His glory. All glory to Him forever!” Romans 11:36

Snapshots of Life in PNG

Andrew with his rugby team. Andrew playing rugby with boys in the community

A’zalea and her friend, Houlakiki A’zalea and her friend, Houlakiki

Justine on an early morning walk with friends Friends Justine walks with

Andrew and his friend, Luca, with their rugby balls Andrew and his friend, Luca

Harold with the Scripture Review Board Harold with Scripture Review Board

A’zalea holding a ticket used for the public restroom Two kina (50¢) for the public restroom!

“What do you think about PNG?”

I love the sunsets, the colors, and alllllll of nature. Well, except the ants. So many of them really bothered me at first, but now I’m just learning to deal with it. Small thumbnail picture of A'zalea
Small thumbnail picture of Andrew I think we should get this Bible translation finished up real quick, so we can get back to living in America. (We all had a good laugh!)

Scripture Review Board

In June, the region’s Scripture Review Board (SRB) met with three language teams that have active translations here in Milne Bay. The SRB is composed of leaders from three different churches. Their purpose is to meet together to ensure the translation process was followed, to review the translated passages for quality, and to formally endorse the translation. This was only the second SRB to meet, and a number of process challenges were uncovered with two of the translations. While it may have been a little discouraging for the teams, this is an important part of the church learning and growing in capacity to do quality Bible translation.

Harold meeting with the Scripture Review Board Harold meeting with the SRB

Counting Our Blessings

  • God’s sustaining grace these first 5 months in PNG
  • The arrival of our first piece of mail—transit time was 4 months and 10 days
  • Peanut M&Ms imported from Australia (a surprise discovery during our trip to the capital)
  • UNO and Phase 10 cards that create opportunities to build relationships
  • An opportunity for Justine to attend a workshop with Harold and a trusted lady who cared for our littles
  • Island breezes to help cool the earth and our bodies
  • The nearness of God is our good

Andrew, A'zalea, and Dinah

How to Pray

  • Pray for increased understanding of the Melanesian culture and deeper relationships with the people here. Communication can be challenging.
  • Pray for important conversations and decisions being made in the next few months regarding the Eubone project here in Milne Bay.

Thank you for linking arms with us.

Your partners, Harold, Justine, A’zalea, & Andrew

Invest in Bible Translation

Partner With Us

We praise God that He has been faithful to care for our financial needs in the past and are trusting that He will continue to do so in the future. If you are not already, would you consider being a part of what God is doing in Bible translation by partnering financially with our Wycliffe ministry? You can give a single donation or set up regular online giving here.

You may also mail a check to: Wycliffe Bible Translators
P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862

If you are giving by check, please make it out to Wycliffe Bible Translators with a separate note stating: “Preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Harold & Justine Bradley, Account #200266.”