1. Family Life
  2. Translation Workshop in PNG
Small thumbnail picture of Dave McNeill Dave McNeill, Convergence Program Coordinator: Thank you for your partnership with Harold and Justine. My name is Dave McNeill, and I oversee Harold's translation consultant training program, Convergence. Wycliffe is committed to partnering with churches and Bible translation organizations around the world who desire to have God's Word in the language their people understand best.

As you probably know, Harold and Justine will be working with a church in Papua New Guinea who is very excited about having clear and understandable access to God's Word.

Thank you also for your patience. I expect that in some way you're ready to put the Bradleys on a plane and send them off. As you know, getting their work permit and visas has been a long, slow slog. They had hoped to be in PNG by last fall and they're still waiting.

We could focus on earthquakes, governmental transitions, or bureaucracy, but that would leave God out of the process. While we don't completely understand why getting their documents has taken so long, we are trusting God in the process. Harold continues to train as a consultant, and we know God is at work.

I expect many of us have been ready for God to act, and He’s chosen to delay. God keeps his own schedule and we're called to walk by faith.

Thank you again for your encouragement, partnership, and prayers. You are a huge blessing to Harold and Justine.

We created a 7 minute video to answer some of the questions we've been asked regarding our delay. You can view the video here.

“This we know, that God is for us.
    In God, whose word we praise,
In the Lord, whose word we praise,”

“O our Strength, we will watch for you,
    For you, O God, are our fortress.
Our God in His steadfast love will meet us.” Psalm 56:9b-10; 59:9-10a

Family Life

This past April, A’zalea turned 6. The day before her birthday, Andrew was concerned because he didn’t have a gift for her. She immediately threw her arms around him and said, “Oh don’t you worry about it, Buddy. You ARE the gift!” Her only wish was to ride a camel, and she did.

A'zalea's camel ride

Andrew is our deep thinker. One night when Justine was tucking him into bed, he asked: “Mommy, does God hear every language that cries out to Him?” Strumming his guitar and making up songs and tunes helps his heart in this season of transition.

Andrew strumming on his guitar

Since last August, we’ve been able to extend our stay each month at a mission apartment on Southern Seminary’s campus. Due to an existing reservation, however, we can no longer extend beyond June 21. We praise God for providing another short term place for us to stay–one that is above and beyond what we asked or imagined.

A'zalea and Andrew climing a tree at Southern Seminary

Translation Workshop in PNG

Harold is returning to PNG May 16-31 to attend a translation workshop for the “Eubone Project” held on Fergusson and Dobu islands. Joining him there will be nine representatives from several partnering organizations in the US, including senior leaders from:

  • Global Partners – the funding and resource partner
  • ETEN's Innovations Lab – the group that developed the translation process
  • American Bible Society – the programmers of AVTT, the translation software
  • SRV – the partners who provide exegetical resources for the translators

Image of Milne Bay, PNG labeled: The 'Eubone
                         Project' surrounded by the logos of the UCPIR, ETEN,
                         Wycliffe, SRV, Mission Mutual, and the American Bible

Each of these partners will be there to observe and learn how the process is being implemented. This will enable them to consider how their contributions impact the overall project and give them ways to improve.

Additionally, five leaders from Battle (a PNG Bible translation organization) and two church leaders from the Solomon Islands will be going to learn how they might be able to use this process in their own contexts.

Wycliffe’s Vice President of IT is also traveling with the group to set up a test Starlink satellite at the regional office in Alotau. This is a feasibility test to see if this could provide the translators a significantly improved network connection. Starlink does not yet officially operate in PNG, but the company hopes to be licensed by the end of this year.

A map of the world showing where Alotau, Papau New Guinea is

Foreign Travel & Overseas Living

One of the challenges many missionaries face is illness caused by contaminated water. During Harold’s trip in February, he contracted something (presumably a parasite or bacteria) that plagued him for several months. In the US and other industrialized nations, water treatment facilities make this problem almost non-existent. For most developing countries, however, it is a significant problem. It can be deadly for those without access to modern medical care. As Harold heads back to PNG again, we appreciate prayers that God would sustain the health of the team during this trip.

How to Pray

  • Hearts of faith that believe Him no matter what
  • Good health and productive meetings while Harold is in PNG May 16-31
  • Favor with immigration at a May 29th appointment regarding our work permit
  • God’s name to be glorified in the earth and in our lives

In so many ways, you are an extension of God's goodness, kindness, and care. Thank you for your partnership in the gospel.

Because many are still waiting, Harold, Justine, A’zalea, & Andrew

Invest in Bible Translation

Partner With Us

We praise God that He has been faithful to care for our financial needs in the past and are trusting that He will continue to do so in the future. If you are not already, would you consider being a part of what God is doing in Bible translation by partnering financially with our Wycliffe ministry? You can give a single donation or set up regular online giving here.

You may also mail a check to: Wycliffe Bible Translators
P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862

If you are giving by check, please make it out to Wycliffe Bible Translators with a separate note stating: “Preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Harold & Justine Bradley, Account #200266.”