While we were in Papua New Guinea for our pre-move trip, we participated in a celebration remembering how God transformed the Dobuans' lives after missionaries came and translated the Bible into their language. We compiled this video showing highlights of our experience there:

Image of Dobu Island with video play button icon Watch our PNG Video

During our visit in June, there were 33 languages in Milne Bay province that still didn’t have a translation project started. The goal is to start one in all of these languages by the end of the year. Our family is excited to be a part of this ambitious initiative to give the people in Milne Bay access to God’s Word in a language they understand.

Sun setting on the beach of Dobu Island

Wycliffe's vision is “for people from every language to understand the Bible and be transformed.” The end goal isn’t a completed book or audio recording of the Bible. It’s God transforming lives. This is what motivates us.

Thank you for “going with us” through prayer, encouragement, and finances. We believe the result of your investment will reap eternal fruit that is greater than we can imagine.

Because many are still waiting, Harold, Justine, A’zalea, & Andrew

Invest in Bible Translation

The Bradley Family: Harold, Justine, Andrew, and A'zalea

Partner With Us

If you would like to invest financially in our Wycliffe ministry by giving a single donation or through regular giving, you can do so here.

You may also mail a check to: Wycliffe Bible Translators
P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862

If you are giving by check, please make it out to Wycliffe Bible Translators with a separate note stating: “Preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Harold & Justine Bradley, Account #200266.”