1. What We Are Doing Now
  2. How You Can Be Involved

It was 1945 when Cameron Townsend, co-founder of Wycliffe, entered the Office of Education in Peru. The official with whom he spoke, José Borja, recalls their conversation:

“I remember the day Mr. Townsend came into my office. He presented the most ridiculous plan I have ever heard. He wanted to go into the jungle with a group of linguists. They were going to learn the language of the people, form alphabets, teach the people how to read, and translate the Bible into those languages. He wanted my blessing on this ambitious project.”

With a perplexed look, José asked him:

Who is going to do all this work?
Cameron responded: It will be done by trained linguists—young men and women with college degrees who are willing to spend their lives among indigenous peoples.
But this is a difficult task! How many are willing to go?
None yet. But when I go back to the US and challenge them, many will volunteer.
But the jungle is impossible. How will you get those people out to the villages? Do you have any planes?
Not yet. But when I share the need, God will give us enough planes.
Who will finance all this? The US government, a wealthy foundation?
No. I'll go home and tell the people of the United States about this plan. God will supply.

As he left, José stared at the strange man, thinking, “There goes the craziest white man I have ever seen in my life!” But a few months later, he was back, ready to start. All he dreamed had happened—and more. Only God could do such a mighty thing.

Cameron’s vision has turned into the largest movement of Bible translation the world has ever seen. As Wycliffe missionaries, we are excited to be part of this global mission.

Cameron Townsend working on a project Cameron Townsend working on a project

What We Are Doing Now

We are currently working to find partners who will pray and invest financially in our Wycliffe ministry. On average, it takes 18-24 months for missionaries to recruit enough financial partners to cover the budget needed to go abroad. Call us crazy, but we are asking God to provide full funding by the fall when Harold’s translation consultant cohort begins.

We are strategically using the summer to share our vision with as many individuals/families, small groups, and churches as we can. Harold has recently quit his job as a software developer so we can diligently pursue this goal.

Time is short. The need is great. Bibleless people are waiting. We know that God has called us to this ministry, so we are confident He will provide—whether by the fall or at a later time.

A translator laboring with the Scriptures A translator laboring with the Scriptures

How You Can Be Involved

Will you pray with us that God would provide full funding by the fall?

We would love to share details about our ministry vision with you, whether that be in person or online through video chat. If you are interested in connecting with us and hearing more about how you can partner with our Wycliffe ministry through prayer and/or finances, you can or call/text at 812-972-3018.

Connect With Us

We look forward to the day when every nation, tribe, and tongue will be worshiping together before the throne (Rev. 7:9).

We’re grateful for your partnership in the work of Bible translation. Harold, Justine, A’zalea, & Andrew

Our family at a recent wedding Our family at a recent wedding

Partner With Us

Will you pray and consider if God would have you partner with us?

The majority of funding that comes in for Wycliffe missionaries is given, not by churches, but by families and individuals who have a heart for the Bibleless. If you would like to make a single investment or set up online recurring giving (monthly or yearly) for our Wycliffe ministry, you can partner here.

You can also give over the phone by calling: 1-800-WYCLIFFE (992-5433)
or by mailing a check to:

Wycliffe Bible Translators
P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862

If you are giving by check, please make it out to Wycliffe Bible Translators with a separate note stating: “Preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Harold & Justine Bradley, Account #200266.”