1. Many Are Still Waiting
  2. The Laborers Are Few
  3. You Can Help

A false gospel had plagued a region of the Philippines because certain teachers had spread unbiblical views about Jesus. Unfortunately, many villages in that area fell prey to this dangerous teaching.

A hut by the sea

While visiting on a short-term mission trip, a young woman noticed that one particular village had not been affected by that false teaching. “Why hasn’t it spread here?” she asked the missionary.

“They tried to come,” he replied. “But a team of Bible translators had already been working here. Because the villagers were able to read the Bible in their own language, they could see this ‘new’ gospel did not come from God. So they told the false teachers to leave.”

“[The Bereans] received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” Acts 17:11

Many Are Still Waiting

Here in America, where we have access to hundreds of English translations, it’s hard to believe that there are over 2000 languages without a word of Scripture in them. These are the heart languages of over 167 million people, yet they don’t even have a translation project started. That’s not counting the 1.5 billion people who only have portions of Scripture in their language.

1.5 billion people have only some Scripture and 167 million people have no Scripture. Statistics from Wycliffe Global Alliance, September 2021

Wycliffe’s vision is for people from every language to understand the Bible and be transformed. That’s why Wycliffe and other organizations are actively working all over the world to translate the Scripture into languages that don’t yet have it.

The Laborers Are Few

A significant hurdle in Bible translation is that there aren’t enough translation consultants for all the active projects. The consultant has the vital role of reviewing translations with translators checking the wording of each verse to make sure it is clear, accurate, and natural.

Because there are so few consultants, there are many translations waiting to be reviewed and checked before they can be published and used.

Workers in the field harvesting

In 2019, Wycliffe began a pilot program, called Convergence, to address this major obstacle. We were accepted into this program and will serve overseas under the guidance of an experienced consultant. This hands-on mentoring will prepare us for long term work in Bible translation. We are excited to be a small part in helping to fill this great need for consultants.

You Can Help

Translation takes a team, and we invite you to join our team by partnering with our Wycliffe ministry through prayer, giving, or advocacy. If you would like to partner financially, you can do so here.

Translating Scripture is important because it provides an opportunity for unreached people to read and understand the gospel which is “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.” (Rom. 1:16)

Next week, we will share our call to Bible translation in “Special Edition #2”.

Because many are still waiting, Harold, Justine, A’zalea, & Andrew

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