1. An Overview of the Fall
  2. A Glimpse of What's Next

In our summer newsletter, we shared our ambitious goal and asked you to pray that God would bring us to full support by the fall. We’re thrilled to share He has done this! We are now at 100% of our minimum required monthly budget and are amazed at how God brought us to this point. At times, our faith was small. From a human perspective, we had many setbacks and hurdles along the way. But God did it, and He is not hindered by anything.

Although Wycliffe gave us two years to build our partnership team, we serve a mighty God, and we wanted to pray that He would do it sooner. As we began praying this way, we diligently continued working to connect with people and churches. God brought us from 0 to 100% so quickly this year, and He has used many of you to help make it possible.

“This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.” Psalm 118:23

If God didn’t provide full funding by the fall, we would still continue serving. In His sovereignty, God doesn’t always say “yes” to the prayers of His people. Though He has this time, we know roadblocks and setbacks are still to come, and as they do, we pray we will use each opportunity to glorify Him.

A globe - representing the many who still don't have Scriptures in their language.

An Overview of the Fall

  • We had several more opportunities to share our Wycliffe ministry with churches and small groups—both in person and through video calls.
  • In early October, Harold completed two weeks of an online intensive through the Nida School of Bible Translation in Italy. It was a great opportunity for him to learn and interact with a globally diverse group of consultants in training. He also met with his Wycliffe Convergence cohort in Orlando for a week of training and encouragement.
  • In November, we were excited to find out we were expecting a baby. For a short time, we dreamed and hoped about what life might have looked like with this little one, but he passed away in the early weeks of pregnancy. This precious life is a gift from God and is safe in heaven, yet our hearts still hurt. We named him Caleb.
  • On December 10th, Harold graduated with his Advanced MDiv from Southern Seminary. God has been so faithful to us on this journey.

Harold in his graduation robe with Justine, Andrew, and A'zalea

A Glimpse of What's Next

  • We are in the process of finalizing our future location of service with our Wycliffe leadership team. We expect to have this settled very soon.
  • Our pre-field training is scheduled for January–February in Waxhaw, NC. While we are in class, our littles will have age appropriate sessions preparing them for life in a different culture.
  • Although we are currently fully funded for our ongoing monthly needs, we still need to raise money for our launch expenses (airfare, visas, moving costs, etc.). If you would like to give towards this, you can do so here.

Help with our Launch Expenses

How to Pray

  • That God will lead us to a location where our abilities can be best used in advancing the cause of Christ through Bible translation
  • For a place where our family can thrive and grow spiritually
  • That God would knit our hearts to the country and people group we will live and serve among
  • For bibleless people who are still waiting for the Scriptures

Your partnership in prayer and financial giving is “a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.” (Phil. 4:18b)

We thank God for you. Harold, Justine, A’zalea, & Andrew