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This is the most important thing. If everything else is present, but God is not blessing the work will not prosper.

Our Story

Christians and churches around the world are laboring together to translate the Scriptures for the first time for people who don’t yet have access to God’s Word in a language that speaks to their hearts. But many of these translation projects are held up by the limited number of translation consultants. These consultants serve as reviewers, teachers, and coaches who help to empower the translators to produce accurate, clear, and natural translations of God’s inspired words of truth.

In November 2020, Harold and Justine Bradley joined Wycliffe Bible Translators in order to help serve in this essential role, and in December 2021, Harold graduated from Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY with an Advanced Masters of Divinity. He is now part of an accelerated training cohort that is preparing him to become a Bible translation consultant. This mentoring program will equip him with on the field observation, participation, and supervised consulting experience under the guidance of a seasoned translation consultant.

Harold, Justine, and their two children are committing their time and abilities to serve in Bible Translation. Please consider joining their Wycliffe ministry team by praying and investing financially.

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